Houring and Employment Help For Katrina Victims
Released on = March 11, 2006, 9:29 pm
Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = A new resource center to house and help Katrina victims get back to work in Louisiana.
Press Release Body = Date line Atlanta Georgia Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief Program!
A Georgia couple and their children have felt the calling to do some about the victims of Hurricane Katrina that want to return home and rebuild. There are still many problems in Louisiana as a result of the damage Hurricane Katrina caused.
An estimated 189,000 New Orleans residents have returned, compared with around 500,000 pre-Katrina. There were at least DEATHS 1,080 in Louisiana. Nearly 2,000 listed as missing by the Find Family National More than 215,000. Total housing units lost, including apartments, 1,847,181. PROPERTY AND INFRASTRUCTURE LOSSES are estimated at $75 billion to $100 billion. dollars 81,000 businesses were impacted businesses by Katrina, 42,000 have fully reopened; 18,700 were destroyed.
More than 835 schools damaged statewide. Only 20 out of 128 public schools have reopened in New Orleans; 83,821 of 244,608 college students statewide were displaced. Of the displaced college students, only 16,480 have re-enrolled in state. volunteers stare in silence block after block of collapsed houses, fallen trees and tumbled cars still lying where Hurricane Katrina tossed them nearly six months ago JOBS: More than 220,000 jobs were lost. And to start back to work these people will need housing
This new organization will provide employment resources, including career training, and job placement assistance. They will provide credit repair and home buying assistance. The will provide (open to the community) food shelf and an emergency financial assistance fund for non residents. Because many residence will lose their homes because Insurance companies won't pay claims and the state is implementing an emanate domain law which takes any land and property that is not rebuilt in 120 days from the owners even if it is free and clear.
They will provide transportation to and from work for individuals who choose to participate in the city's current and on going clean up/construction project. This organization proposes to build Eighty Four (three bedroom family) partially furnished units and one on site staff suite. We will provide rent controlled housing designated for the handicapped and working families in transition. Rent will not exceed six hundred fifty dollars a month for any resident. Unemployed, displaced or elderly / handicapped residents' rents will be based on 30% of the families' monthly income. Twelve Units will be handicapped built and designated for families who have a specific need. the name of this organization the SURVIVORS EMPLOYMENT AND HOUSING RESOURCE CENTER.
For more information Contact Mrs. Kimberly Jones 1-678-778-0809 or email sehrc@charter.net www.sehrc.com
Web Site = http://www.sehrconline.com
Contact Details = Kimberly Jones 746 Eagles Nest Circle Carrollton , 30116 $$country
16787780809 sechrc@charter.net http://www.sehrconline.com
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